ملامح كردية مباشرة في روايات ( محي الدين زنكنه )


  • فائق مصطفى أحمد & هاوزين عبدالخالق غري




النظام الحاكم, لكرد, الاضطهاد القومي, الحرية المسلوبة




   Moheddin Zangana, the writer and playwright, lived in an Arabic environment, which influenced his written language. His writings were written on a variety of subjects and imitated the life aspects of the society in general, written in Arabic and were creative in it. The novelist, was not far from the idea of ​​his Kurdish community, but established his life to serve this community through his pen, was his novels took place in the cultural centre , his novels were not superficial, but the details of the oppressed life of the Kurds, known for his lucid and easy style, which were expressing the issues of his community which formed a large area of ​​his life, these stories were not just stories and personalities, but exceeded the limits of reality and entered the world of imagination of the writer to express the members of his oppressed community that suffered from persecution and deprivation, deprived of the most basic rights, and most importantly is the right of self-determination.

   In his novels, Moheddin Zangana, was able to present his idea through Kurdish names and figures. The Kurdish images are repeated in his novels, including Kurdish areas and mountains, in addition to Kurdish customs and traditions, which confirms his belonging to this society, which fought all the difficulties in achieving its goal. Features related to the Kurds, especially the features that dealt directly with the Kurds.


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( 5 ) كرستينا كويفنن الكرد : امة الابادات الجماعية ، ترجمة : حسين ملا محمود ، مركز القاهرة للدراسات الدولية ، ط1 / مصر 2017
( 6) محمد علي محمد المفكرون الاجتماعيون : قراءة معاصرة لأعمال خمسة من اعلام علم الاجتماع الغربي : ، دار النهضة العربية / بيروت 1977
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How to Cite

هاوزين عبدالخالق غري ف. م. أ. &. (2019). ملامح كردية مباشرة في روايات ( محي الدين زنكنه ). Journal of University of Raparin, 6(2), 201–212. https://doi.org/10.26750/paper



Humanities & Social Sciences