The Hero in the Epic of Sheikh San'an Hawrami According to Joseph Campbell's Theory of the "Hero's Journey"


  • Emad Ahmed Khaleel Kurdish Department, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Hemn Omar Ahmad Kurdish Department, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Hero, Myth, Epic of Sheikh San'an Hawrami, Hero's journey Theory.


This paper entitled (The Hero in the Epic of Sheikh San'an Hawrami According to Joseph Campbell's Theory of the "Hero's Journey") is an attempt to introduce the hero of the Epic of Sheikh San'an  Hawrami according to the theory of the hero's journey, That was set by the American mythologist Joseph Campbell (1904-1987). This theory consists of three sections, All three sections consist of seventeen stages. Joseph Campbell believes that no hero being is excluded from these seventeen stages, but not every Hero has to go through all seventeen stages in parallel, but varies from Hero to Hero. In this study, the journey of the hero of the Epic of Sheikh San'an Hawrami has been evaluated according to this theory and all the stages that the hero has gone through with the stages that the hero has not gone through have been discussed. Finally, the results are presented, one of which is the circular event of the Epic and the relationship between the gender of the hero and the subject of the journey. Through this special feature, the hero and the path of the journey within the structure of  Sheikh San'an Hawrami epic is identified and by using the theory takes the relationship of Sheikh San'an Hawrami epic with several genders of Sufism and mythology to the structure of world epic.


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How to Cite

Ahmed Khaleel, E., & Omar Ahmad, H. (2024). The Hero in the Epic of Sheikh San’an Hawrami According to Joseph Campbell’s Theory of the "Hero’s Journey". Journal of University of Raparin, 11(2), 310–345.



Humanities & Social Sciences