Learning the third language and its facilities and difficulties or challenges – the centers of languages in the city of Erbil as an example


  • Mizgin Abdurahman Ehmed Kurdish Department, College of Language University Salahaddin, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Hevin kamal Abduljabar Kurdish Department, College of Language University Salahaddin, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.




First Language, Second Language, Third Language, Language Family, Challenge and Facilitation.


We can learn the first language (mother tongue) and the second language easily and whatever the way is, but learning the third language depends on the situation, the age, time, sex, how you think and whether you want to get a job or any other reasons. Learning the third language may be easy to us or hard, this is quite different from one person to another; some people can acquire it in an easy way and some may not acquire it in an easy way or should try hard to get it, this research is entitled (Learning the third language and its facilities and difficulties or challenges – the centers of languages in the city of Erbil as an example): are attempts to clarify the aspects that may make obstacles to learn the third language. Of course the main problem is the language, and learning the third language is the same as the first and second languages you might face the same obstacles. In this research we try to focus on the motivations that make you learn the third language in the simplest way, or vice versa. This is worth a lot of discussions and exchanging ideas and that led the linguists to be divided into two different groups, each has many evidences to approve that. This matter is clarified and being focused on depending on a referendum held in four centers of languages in the city of Erbil.


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How to Cite

Abdurahman Ehmed, M., & kamal Abduljabar, H. (2024). Learning the third language and its facilities and difficulties or challenges – the centers of languages in the city of Erbil as an example. Journal of University of Raparin, 11(2), 380–402. https://doi.org/10.26750/Vol(11).No(2).Paper14



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