Social Media Addiction and Its association with Depression Indicators among Sulaimani University Students.


  • Hoshiar Sadiq Sangawi Department of Special Education, College of Basic Education, Sulaimani University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Farman Zahir Abdulla Department of Special Education, College of Education and Language, Charmo University, Chamchamal, Kurdistan, Region, Iraq.



Social Media Addiction, Depression Indications, University Students.


University students occupy a significant position in the human science, especially the psychological and educational studies. University students, all over the world, gain a great deal of interest because they are the bases of the future. This requires researchers to deeply dive in this field to serve the Kurdish students and build their future on firm scientific grounds. This research is considered a contribution in the human effort which examines the association between Social Media Addiction and Depression Indications among Sulaimani University students. It also testes the differences in the social media addiction and depression indications according to three variables: College specialty, gender and year stages. The research questionnaires were applied to (480) University students. Results indicate that Sulaimani University students have low level of social media addiction and depression indications. There is also a significant positive relationship (r=0.22 p<0.01) between social media addiction and depression indications among university students. The results also reveal that students in humanity science colleges have high level of social media addiction compared to students in practical/natural science colleges, however; this difference is not the case for the depression indications. In addition, the results show a statistically significant difference between gender in depression indications, suggesting that female students have higher amount of depression indications than male students. Finally, the results demonstrate no significant differences between students in second and fourth stage concerning the research variable of interest.  In the light of the present study, the researchers have come out with a number of recommendations and suggestions.


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How to Cite

Sadiq Sangawi, H., & Zahir Abdulla, F. (2024). Social Media Addiction and Its association with Depression Indicators among Sulaimani University Students. Journal of University of Raparin, 11(2), 716–741.



Humanities & Social Sciences