The Culture impact of the change process on the direction of the work of the Sulaimani Band


  • Daroon Noori Omar Music Department, College of Fine Arts, Salahaddin University- Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Ehsan Zalzala Music Department, the College of Fine Arts, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Dilshad Mustafa Raheem Department of Filmmaking, School of Fine, Sulaymaniyah University, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Music - Change – Influence- Sulaymaniyah Music Team.


The process of change in music depends on several influences, which can vary in the form and path of change due to differences and cultures. In this study, we will focus on some aspects of change that affect the situation of music and change the direction of music in the selection and determination of music. Some of these changes may be related to the internal culture and others may be related to the external culture itself, and of course many of these appear to be the path of innovation. The Sulaimani Music Band has made serious efforts in this field both inside and outside Sulaimani and their efforts can be analyzed appropriately in academic field. . This study is an attempt to explore these changes in terms of media and political power and opening of culture to the surrounding cities and the extent of the impact of these changes and how much change they have created and become a favorable environment for change and innovation in music.


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How to Cite

Noori Omar, D., Zalzala, E., & Mustafa Raheem, D. (2024). The Culture impact of the change process on the direction of the work of the Sulaimani Band. Journal of University of Raparin, 11(3), 260–282.



Humanities & Social Sciences