The institutional nature of political power according to new directions in institutional theory


  • Omed Abdulqader abdalkarim Department of political systems and public policy, College of political science, Salaheddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Sardar Qadir Muhiddeen Department of political systems and public policy, College of political science, Salaheddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Political power, institutionalization process, institutional theory, new directions of institutional theory.


Institutional theory is one of the oldest theories used to analyze political issues and phenomena. In the classical period, this theory emphasized the constitutional and legal aspects, while paying more attention to the official institutions of the state, especially the powers (legislative, executive and judicial). In the 1950s, due to the rise and dominance of the behavioral school, this theory was ignored by researchers in the field. However, the beginning of a new phase of institutional theory in the 1970s; the emergence of all three directions (historical, social, and rational choice) was also a strong factor in attracting researchers to use institutional theory in their studies.

  At the same time, political power has always been of interest and debate in political analysis, although the concept has often been portrayed in the guise of an individual and a ruling group. But in fact, one of the characteristics of political power is institutionalization. For this purpose, this paper describes political power and new directions of institutional theory. On the other hand, it analyzes the nature of institutionalization and how the process of institutionalizing political power is carried out within the framework of new directions of institutional theory.


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How to Cite

Abdulqader abdalkarim, O., & Qadir Muhiddeen, S. (2024). The institutional nature of political power according to new directions in institutional theory. Journal of University of Raparin, 11(3), 616–640.



Humanities & Social Sciences