Geodemographics and population distribution of Garmian administration
Population, Geodemographics, Population Distribution, Garmian Administration.Abstract
This research; It study the population reality (population change and distribution) in the Garmian administration. The data of population were taken from censuses (1977, 1987), estimates (2002), agricultural survey of (2012), and the researchers' own surveys were taken for all Human Settlements of Garmian administration in 2022, so that all changes and distribution are made according to dimensions (temporal and spatial) in order to interpret and analyze them scientifically and objectively. Since the location of the study area is of great geopolitical importance. becouse of those political and demographic processes of the last century. approach of study is (quantitative method) and methood of (Descriptive-analytical). the transformed population; During the study, there was a significant change in size, from 86,910 people in 1977 to 327,071 071 people in 2022, an absolute change of 240,161 people. Even their distribution characteristics have generally taken a negative direction. The balance of environmental, spatial and numerical distributions has been completely disrupted. The important results of the study is that the administrative authorities of Garmian and Sulaimani provinces can feel the dangers of deteriorating population distribution and put limits on the negative directions and plan to restore the population balance.
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