Natural Capabilities To Invest Wind Energy To Generate Electric Power In Sulaymaniyah Governorate


  • Ahmed Jalil Ismael Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Dler Azeez Taha Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Wind Energy, Electric power, Physical properties , power generation , wind movement.


The paper investigates the investment of wind energy in the production of electric power in the province of Sulaymaniyah. Monthly meteorological data for the duration of 2000-2017 is used to determine the wind speed and direction. Through collecting and analyzing and data the best location is identified where energy density is calculated with its geographical distribution.

The results show that the highest value of wind speed index ranges between (3.41)m/s in penjwin station and (3.22)m/s in Sardasht station with the lowest value between(1.44)m/s in Sulaimaniya station and(1.56)m/s in Chamchamal station. The highest wind speed in summer season ranges between(3.6)m/s in Penjwin and Sardasht stations and(2.9)m/s in chwarta station. The lowest wind speed ranges between(1.91)m/s at Chamchamal station and(1.63)m/s at Sulaymaniyah station,while in winter the highest wind speed value is (3.2,2.76)m/s in Penjwin and chwarta stations with the lowest value(1.4,1.5)m/ s for Chamchamal and Sulaymaniyah stations. The results indicate northern eastern areas are the most suitable places to setup wind turbines to generate electricity.

The study shows that the average annual wind energy density in the above mentioned stations reached more than 26.35,24.45,14.95 M / W2 throughout the year. From the above results it can be concluded that in the study area there is enough potential to produce electricity from wind energy and setup wind turbines.This can help to overcome the power shortage in Sulaymaniyah governorat .The first section outlines the factors affecting wind speed, direction and distribution.The second section discusses geographical distribution of wind movement in Sulaymaniyah province. The third section id dedicated for data analysis and the possibility of investing it in generating electricity.


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How to Cite

Ismael, A. J., & Taha, D. A. (2020). Natural Capabilities To Invest Wind Energy To Generate Electric Power In Sulaymaniyah Governorate. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(3), 288–319.



Humanities & Social Sciences