Question as an Ontological Principle in Ahmadi Mala's" Return of Zardasht


  • Hazhar Ahmed Abdulaghafur Kurdish Department, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Mohamed Nabee Ibrahim Shahid Abdulrahman Highschool, Directorate of Soran Education, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Existence, Question, Ontology, Heidegger.


Existence as the basis of all that exists (in general) is an important element of philosophy and poetry. Throughout histroy, less or more, attantion has been paid to existence mater in all its dimentions by philosophers and poets and thinkers. In Kurdish literature, the reflection and reaction of this subject is clearly noticeable in the poetry products. Thus, this research,  entitled "Question as an ontology principle in Ahmadi Mala's" Return of Zardasht" is focused on, the closeness of poetry and philosophy and the probablity of expressing the philosophy in two pieces of poetry and literature; works on the existence, and tries to analys and interpret the context of poetry of (Return of Zardasht) of  'Ahmadi Mala'. This is to bring antological questions foth as preconditional characteristic. The question whereby as motivation of searching for the existence, and then rising it, introduces human as delicated creature and provides the path to reach exsitence and its very facts.


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How to Cite

Abdulaghafur, H. A., & Nabee Ibrahim, M. . (2021). Question as an Ontological Principle in Ahmadi Mala’s" Return of Zardasht. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(3), 199–219.



Humanities & Social Sciences