"ریپۆرتکردن" وەک ئامرازێک بۆ کپکردنی رای جیاواز لەبارەی دینی ئیسلامەوە ) پەیچ و ئەکاونتە ریپۆرتکراوەکانی "فه‌یسبوك" بە نمونە (


  • Araz Ramazan Ahmad Director of Media, University of Raparing, Kurdistan Region, Iraq+Tishk University:International Relations & Diplomacy-Faculty of Administrative Sciences & Economics-Erbil-Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Hersh Rasool Murad Public Relations and Marketing Department, Technical College of Administration, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hardawan Mahmoud Kakashekh Media Department, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Reporting, Social Media, Facebook, Religious Censorship


These days, media new tools made an open public sphere to send messages to abroad easily, and those tools are good mediums for developing and growing debating and exchanging different ideas such as social media, particularly Facebook which is a free medium for everyone with their different backgrounds.

This study is an attempt to discover actions by users who try to implementing religious censorship on different ideas and views, which they use Facebook standards and Terms for reporting pages, accounts and posts on Facebook.

This study consists of three parts, the first part is methodology of the research, the second part is theoretical framework of the research which focus on explaining social media, reporting terms and conditions on social media, different views and criticizing of religion. In this part the role of Facebook in expanding different view and freedom of beliefs and religion views will be explained.

The last part of this study will focus on analyzing ideas and views of page and account owners who been reported because of criticizes religion as a sample of the study which they been interviewed. In conclusion the results and recommendations of the study will be enlightened.


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12.هێرش رەسوڵ: ئازادیی رادەربڕین لە رۆژنامەنوسیی کوردیدا، (سلێمانی: چاودێر، ٢٠٠٩)، ل٨٥.



How to Cite

Ahmad, A. R., Murad, H. R., & Kakashekh, H. M. (2019). "ریپۆرتکردن" وەک ئامرازێک بۆ کپکردنی رای جیاواز لەبارەی دینی ئیسلامەوە ) پەیچ و ئەکاونتە ریپۆرتکراوەکانی "فه‌یسبوك" بە نمونە (. Journal of University of Raparin, 6(2), 392–413. https://doi.org/10.26750/paper



Humanities & Social Sciences