Reflection of The Relations Between Human Beings & Animal in Kurdish Poetry


  • Jalal Anwer Saeed Department of Kurdish, College of Education, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Human, Animal, Relationship, Poetry.


Since the beginning of its appearance on this planet, human being has felt alien in one hand because he has not been familiar to anything in the wide nature he has lived in and in the other hand he has been afraid and felt hesitated due to his fear to from all other creatures. But gradually he has been familiar with nature and his environment and tried at the beginning to align himself with it then to overcome it and to use them for his own interest, especially the animals which are the second sequence after human being in the planet. This align and controlling is not a matter of one night and day, but it has gone through certain stages and periods and has taken certain forms until it reached to the form, we can see it today. This thesis has tried to point out the types of those relationships based on sequences and their reflections in Kurdish poetry which show the perspective of Kurdish poets towards animals.

The thesis points out five types of relationships between human being & animals based on their sequence and appearance as following:

  • Conflict Relationship.
  • Interest Relationship.
  • Friendship Relationship.
  • Spiritual Relationship.
  • Artistic Relationship.

Each of those relationships is explained theoretically except the spiritual relationship, examples are given for all other relationships in Kurdish poetry. The reason why we have not seen example in Kurdish poetry for spiritual relationship is to the fact that we believe Kurdish society is an Islamic society and its religious perspective has not allowed this relationship to exceed friendship relationship and to reach spiritual relationship. Even, the friendship relationship sometimes has been based on interest relationship.


القرآن الكريم.
پەشێو، عەبدوڵڵا، ٢٠١٤، هەسپم هەورە و ڕكێفم چيا، چاپخانەى رۆژهەڵات، چ ٤، كوردستان.
پيرەمێرد، ديوان، ١٩٧٠، محەمەد رەسول هاوار، چاپخانەى العانى، بەغداد.
حاجى قادرى كۆيى، ديوان، ٢٠٠٧، لێكۆڵينەوە و لێكدانەوەى: سەردار حەميد ميران و كەريم مستەفا شارەزا، شارە كتێبى ميديا، سنە.
دەشتى (د)، عوسمان، ٢٠١٢، لەبارەى بنياتى زمان و شێوازى شيعر – تێكست و لێكۆڵينەوە، بڵاوكراوەى ئىكاديمياى كوردى، هەولێر.
سيوەيلى، رێبوار، ٢٠٠١، كتێبى نالى، دەزگاى چاپ و بڵاوكردنەوەى موكريانى، چاپخانەى وەزارەتى پەروەردە، چ ١، كوردستان.
شێخ رەزاى تاڵەبانى، ديوان، ٢٠٠٠، ساغكردنەوە و شەرحى: شوكور مستەفا، دەزگاى چاپ و بڵاوكرنەووەى ئاراس، هەولێر.
قانع، ديوان، ١٩٧٩، كۆكردنەوە و چاپكردنى: برهان قانع، بەڕێوەبەرايەتى چاپخانەى زانكۆى سلێمانى، سلێمانى.
كامەران موكرى، ديوان، ١٩٨٨، پێشەكى نووسين و پەراوێز لێدان: عەبدوڵڵا عەزيز خالد، ئەميندارێتى گشتى رۆشنبيرى و لاوان، هەولێر.
گۆران، ديوان ، ١٣٨٥، بڵاوكراوەى پانيز، چ 2، تهران.
نالى، ديوان، ١٩٧٦، لێكۆڵينەوە و لێكدانەوەى نەلا عبدالكريمى مدرس و فاتح عبدالكريم، چاپخانەى كۆڕى زانيارى كورد، بەغدا.
وەفايى، ديوان، ٢٠١٢، گرد و كۆ و بەراوردكارى: سەيد عوبەيدوڵاى ئەيوبييانى مەركەژى، ساغكردنەوە و پێشەكى نووسين و ئامادەكردنى: د. عوسمان دەشتى، بڵاوكراوەكانى ئەكاديمياى كوردى، هەولێر.
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الساعدي، خالد سهر محي، ١٩٩٩، اطروحة دكتوراه، الجامعة المستنصرية، كلية الاداب، قسم اللغة العربية.
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How to Cite

Saeed, J. A. (2021). Reflection of The Relations Between Human Beings & Animal in Kurdish Poetry. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(1), 187–208.



Humanities & Social Sciences