The Role of Managers in New Educational System in the Development of Educational Process from the Basic School Teachers’ Perspective in the Centre of Sulaimani City


  • Azhi Hama Qazi Rahim Department of Social Sciences,College of Basic Education,University of Sulaimani,Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region,Iraq.
  • Kurdistan Mohamed Azad Department of Social Sciences,College of Basic Education,University of Sulaimani,Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region,Iraq.


Role, Manager, Modern studying system


This study is structured into four chapters; the first is an introduction part that includes aims, objectives, limitation, and concepts of the research. The second will be on the theoretical framework which contains the concept of manager, its rolls and roll of manger in modern studying systems; it also concentrates on three researches as a brief literature review on the topic of this paper. Then, it moves on to the methodological chapter. The fourth chapter discusses and describes the findings, restates and summarises the results from the research process.
This research aims at conducting the teachers’ perceptions about the role of managers upon developing the teaching process in the basic schools of Sulaymanyah (2019 - 2020). Based on the study aims, the researchers relied on a descriptive manner. The research sample concluded all teachers from both eastern and western education directorate of Sulaymanyah. The sample size set as (185) of all teachers from both education directorates which are (1246) teachers.
Based on the literature review, a close-ended questionnaire is chosen as a suitable approach to collect data among participants, in addition, 52 questions were prepared and divided by over four clauses such as (management system, teacher developments, student developments, and relatives’ side of students. After the prepared questionnaire, validity was assessed by experts and it was (0.81). Then, for the purpose of the research reliability, the questionnaire was repeated upon participants and it was resulted (0.84) using Person ،Correlation Coefficient. Furthermore, in order to analysing collected data, present a meaningful result and discus detailed findings, this study benefitted from many statistical tests including (weight variation test means, arithmetic average (using SPSS. Finally, it was reached to a set of conclusions, including the role of managers was positive in three aspects in managing, developing teachers’ ability and related sides of student relatives). On the other, their roles were negative on developing students. Another result was that there was no different opinion among teachers from both eastern and western education directorates.


ئاڤان عبداللەحسن،رێژين ئومێد صديق،نازەنينعوسمانمحمد،بەرێوبەروسەرپەرشتيارىپەروەردەى(٢٠١٤)چاپخانەىياد.

میهرئارا، علی ئەکبەر میهرئارا و ئەوانیتر: و/ قادر وریا(٢٠٠٥)، مێژووی پەروەردە وفێرکردن، مەکتەبی بیروهۆشیاری ی.ن.ک.

کۆمەڵێک نوسەر، و/ سەلام عبدالکریم(٢٠٠٩)سیستەمی پەروەردەی لەوڵاتانی ئەسکەندەنافیا : چ١، چاپخانەی سایە.سلێمانی.

قەرەداغی ، هۆمەر قەرەداغی(٢٠٠٥)سیستەمی فێرکاری،چ١.

قادر ، ڕەمەزان حەمەد ئەمین قادر( ٢٠١٨)ڕێگاکانی وانەوتنەوەو(شێوازە تیۆری و پڕاکتیکییەکان)، چ٢ ،کتێبخانەی سۆفیا-کۆیە.

عەبدولقادر، عەبدولعەزیز عومەر عەبدولقادر(٢٠٠٥)بەئاشتیکردنی پەروەردە و فێرکردن، چ١ ، سلێمانی.

سیوەیلی ، ئیدریس سیوەیلی (٢٠١٤)مامۆستای کارامە ووانەوتنەوەی سەرکەوتوو ، چ١،سلێمانی، چاپخانەی شڤان.

ڕێبەری بەڕێوەبەرانی سەرکردە (٢٠١٩) ئا/ گرووپی کاری ئامادەکردنی ڕێبەری بەڕێوەبەرانی سەرکردە.

حیلمی ، مەریوان سلاح حیلمی(٢٠٠٨)پەروەردە وگۆڕین ، چ١،سلێمانی.

آبولبدە،سعد (١٩٧٩) مباد‌ء القیاس النفسی والتقویم التربوی للطالب الجامعی،كلیە التربیە،مطبعەجمعیە عمال المطابع التعاونیە،عمان،ط1.

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الاسدی و ابراهیم: سعید جاسم الاسدی و مروان عبدالمجیدابراهیم(٢٠٠٣)الاشراف التربوی،ط١، الاردن.

حامد، عارف إبارهيم(٢٠١٣)تقييم أداء المدير كقائد تعليمي من وجهة نظر معلمي المدارس الأساسية في مدينة القدس، كلية التربية ،دائرة المناهج والتعليم جامعة بيرزيت- فلسطين.

الروسان،فاروق (١٩٩٩) اُسالیب القیاس و التشخیص فی التربیە الخاصە، دارالفكر للطباعة،عمان،ط1

الزوبعی،عبدالجلیل ابراهیم محمد اَحمدغنام (١٩٨١) منهاهج البحث فی التربیە،الجز‌والاول بغداد.

‌صلیوو، سهی نونا صلیوو(٢٠٠٥)الاشراف والتنظیم التربوی،ط١، دارصفاللنشر والتوزیع، عمان.الاردن.

عابدین، محمد عبدالقادر عابدین(٢٠٠٣)الادارە المدرسیە الحدیسە، ط٢، دارالشرق النشر وتوزیع، عمان-الاردن.

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عبدالحميد، صلاح محمد عبدالحميد اسرار النجاح (٢٠٠٩)اسرار النجاح ، دار العلوم للنشر و التوزيع، الطبعة الاولى ،سن.

العدوی(٢٠٠٨)ﺩﻭﺭ ﻣﺪﻳﺮﻱﺍﺪﺍﺭﺱ ﻣﻦ ﻇﺎﻫﺮﺓﺍﻟﻌﻨﻒ ﻟﺪﻯ ﻃﻠﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻮﻳﺔمحاﻓﻈﺎﺕ ﻏﺰﺓﻭﺳﺒﻞ ﺗﻔﻌﻴﻠﻪ ﻣﻦ ﻭﺟﻬﺔ ﻧﻈﺮ المعلمی.

مصطفى ،صلاح عبدالحميد (٢٠٠٢)الادارة المدرسية في ضوء الفكر الاداري المعاصر ، دار المريخ للنشر ، الرياض.

المعيار،محمد حسن (٢٠٠٢)مبادئ الادارة المدرسية،دار الميسرة للنشر و التوزيع،والطباعة الثالثة،عمان،الاردن.ص.

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نوحلی ،‌علی ‌آحمد عبدللە (٢٠١٠)دور مدیری المدارس فی رفع کفایات المعلمین ،ﻤﺠﻠﺔ ﺠﺎﻤﻌﺔ ﺩﻤﺸﻕعدد -26.




How to Cite

Rahim, A. H. Q., & Azad, K. M. (2020). The Role of Managers in New Educational System in the Development of Educational Process from the Basic School Teachers’ Perspective in the Centre of Sulaimani City. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(2), 61–92. Retrieved from



Humanities & Social Sciences