The Comparing the efficiency of professional behavior as a determinant of effectiveness among coaches from the point of view of female volleyball and basketball players for some clubs in Iraq.


  • Shayan Abdalla Mohammed Presidency of University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Competent Professional Behavior, Female Volleyball and Basketball Player.


The research aims to know the levels of professional behavior as a determinant of the effectiveness of coaches in volleyball and basketball for some clubs in Iraq at the ages of 14-18 years, and to know the differences in the levels of professional behavior as a determinant of the effectiveness of coaches in volleyball and basketball for some clubs in Iraq at the ages of 14-18 years.

The researcher used the descriptive approach in my survey style and the causal comparison of the nature of the research. Female players for some clubs in Iraq were identified for the two volleyball games, which numbered (11) teams, with (154) players, and basketball, which amounted to (6) teams, with (84) players. The research sample amounted to (230) female players did this after excluding (8) female players from the two games for the purpose of the reconnaissance experiment The researcher used a number of means to collect information, and a scale was determined to measure professional behavior, conduct the exploratory experiment, find the scientific bases for the scale, and then conduct the main experiment, and in order to process the data, the researcher used the electronic statistical bag (spss) and reached the following conclusions that the volleyball and basketball coaches for the included clubs In the research, they enjoy acceptable professional behavior from the point of view of the female players. The levels of coaches for the two games are distributed between very good and very weak, and most of the sample was concentrated at the average level. There was no significant difference between the coaches of volleyball and basketball from the point of view of male players.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abdalla Mohammed, S. (2024). The Comparing the efficiency of professional behavior as a determinant of effectiveness among coaches from the point of view of female volleyball and basketball players for some clubs in Iraq. Journal of University of Raparin, 11(3), 302–321.



Humanities & Social Sciences