Conversational Implicature in debate between Ali Bapir and Mala Bakhtyar.


  • Babarasul Nori Rasul Department of Kurdish Language, Salahaddin University, College of Education, Shaqlawa, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Muhsin Ali Husein Department of Kurdish Language, Salahaddin University, College of Basic Education, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

The Result Of Speech, The Basis Of Cooperation, The Principle Of Communication, The Expression Of The Basic Of Cooperation Cooperation.


The result of the speech of one of the important pragmatic theories has a prominent place in the researches, the image of most of the natural languages is united in this point, which the speeches of the language speak in the face, but in the content it has a hidden meaning, And this is the meaning of it in the appropriate surroundings This theory originated by Grace, in Grace's opinion, the statements in some positions do not show the purpose.          

In this research, it has been tried to explain how to overcome the basics and how can the listener understand the speeches and make sense of them? Especially in the debate, the sender and the recipient change their roles, so adherence to the basic symmetry of cooperation that goes on its way, but the introduction of the basics will cause them to explain more about their speech, so they need to answer each other several times and explain give him more.                                                                                                                            


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كيفية الاقتباس

Nori Rasul, B., & Ali Husein, M. (2024). Conversational Implicature in debate between Ali Bapir and Mala Bakhtyar . Journal of University of Raparin, 11(3), 417–439.



Humanities & Social Sciences