Climate change crisis in Iraq

A study in political geography


  • Peshawa Anwar Nasralla Department of Geography, College of humanities sciences, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Climate Change, Political Geography Of Climate Change, Water Crisis, Climate Refugees, Unrest & Terrorism


Climate change is progressively becoming a serious and discussed issue. Besides this, there are clear evidence, observed, and confirmatory reasons for the multi-dimensional climate change impacts worldwide. Just as the countries and regions have not played an equal role in environmental pollution, heat retention, and climate change. Similarly, the effects of these phenomena are significantly different in the countries; thus, many of the main vulnerable places and others are its beneficiaries.  Apart from other fields, the areas that are heavily damaged will also be affected in terms of political geography and geopolitics. Generally, the Middle East, typically Iraq, is one of the countries that will be heavily affected by climate change. This research investigates the climate change geopolitical dimensions of Iraq using the descriptive-analytical method. The findings illustrate that present and future climate change are the provenance of many complications, including environmental, economic, and political and security, both at national and international level.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Anwar Nasralla, P. (2024). Climate change crisis in Iraq: A study in political geography. Journal of University of Raparin, 11(3), 737–762.



Humanities & Social Sciences