Policy Framework for Transatlantic Peace Deal on Iran


  • Peshawa Mohammed Ali Department of International Relations & Diplomacy, Faculty of Administrative Sciences & Economics, Tishk International University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Policy Framework, Peace Deal, United States, Iran, European Union.


This research aims to explore the policy framework for the transatlantic peace deal with Iran focused on 2014-2020 era. As there have been calls and initiatives among leading European powers and the US in securing a transatlantic strategy for Iran. In a stable Multilateral Non-Proliferation Pact, The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) led by the European Union (EU) has reported immense success within its first few weeks of adoption (Paolo Magri, Annalisa Perteghella, 2017). It was also hoped that the EU and the United States (US) would open the door to deal with other pending problems with Iran (Adebahr, 2017). Europe and Iran: The nuclear deal and beyond. Routledge.. The Atlantic Ocean Council (ACOE), the European Leadership Network, and the European External Relations Council had planned another scheme abroad in recent months. This scheme takes into account warnings about the unraveling of the JCPOA and various sources of regional instability and government aid to traditional Middle Eastern citizen communities. This study focuses on the advancement of proposals for JCPOA security, regional peace, and improvement for the E3 and the European Union, and individuals who work with the strengthened US Organization to establish contacts with Iran. The research assesses the preparations for lifting of transatlantic sanctions against Iran, as well as the agreements reached between Iran and other signatories. This study follows descriptive analysis depending on data, which is gathered, from a number of scientific publications, published documents, magazines, and reputable websites. Thus, this paper seeks to investigate on the US-Iran peace impacts on the political stability in the region and the main challenges that the peace deal encounter.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ali, P. M. (2021). Policy Framework for Transatlantic Peace Deal on Iran. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(3), 188–198. https://doi.org/10.26750/Vol(8).No(3).Paper10



Humanities & Social Sciences