The Effect of Cyber Warfare on Raising the Level of Conflict Between the United States of America and Iran


  • Bakhan Ako Najmaddin Department of Politics and International Relations, College of Political Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Modern technologies and communication systems are tools to make human life easier, and they have started a revolution in the fields of international securities and international relations. However, modern technologies and cyberspace have to be considered as causes of serious damages, dangers, and represent a serious risk in international security. Cyberspace is accounted as the fifth sphere for the conduct of combat besides land, water, air and space. Cyberspace has occurred in a very new and unique type of war, which is called cyber war. Nowadays, protecting cyberspace becomes a vital part of the national level strategies because cyber war under the shadow of cyberspace is a real phenomenon in international relations, and the United States and Iran's cyber war is the obvious example. Both countries attempt to attack the infrastructure of the other side's information technology and network communication systems in order to cause serious damage financially, economically, politically and militarily. Consequently, cyber war is likely to become the most characterized in the twenty-first century and future military operations.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Najmaddin, B. A. (2021). The Effect of Cyber Warfare on Raising the Level of Conflict Between the United States of America and Iran. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(4), 303–328.



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