The Formularization of the East Simulacrum in the Poetic Consonance of Walter De La Mare


  • Hazhar Ramadhan Ahmed Islamic Higher School, Directorate of Rania Education, Ministry of Education, Rania, Kurdistan Regional, Iraq .


Formularization, East simulacrum & poetic consonance.


The desideratum of this paper is to pageant of the formularization of the East simulacrum in the poetic consonance of Walter De La Mare, De La Mare always been known as a writer of fantasy, imagination world and supernatural fiction in English literature, it is proposed here that he is, in fact concerned with exploration of the conscious and unconscious selves.

His inspection is more philosophical than psychological in that he makes no use of Freud formulas. He follows rather the intuitive path of Jung but uses the media of fiction; Display and formulation the simulacrum theme in two sonnets of De La Mare ''Arabia & Listener '' characterize the imagination world of the East.

 East fantasy for De La Mare is pure and marvelous creation which seemed he merged the fantasy cosmos of the East, even supposing Walter De La Mare wants to involving and remain in the nature of the East not in the West creation by virtue of him in distinction to the West, according to his verses of Walter De La Mare ''Arabia &Listeners '' there is no ambiguity that nature in the East more applicable for live than nature in the West.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, H. R. (2020). The Formularization of the East Simulacrum in the Poetic Consonance of Walter De La Mare. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(1), 563–574. Retrieved from



Humanities & Social Sciences