ناسنامه‌ وه‌ك لێكه‌وته‌یه‌كی تاراوگه‌


  • یادگار ڕەسوڵ حەمەدەمین & كەیفی محەمەد عەزیز




توانه‌وه‌ و تێكه‌ڵاوبوون, جیاكاری, به‌یه‌كه‌وه‌بوون




The abstract of this paper is part of a PhD. Thesis, and for the purpose of publishing an extracted study, we presented Identity as an Exile Aftermath with Reference to some Kurdish novels as its title. The impacts of identity towards the details of exile has been shown in the AbdullAllah Sarajʼs WNGA , Farhad Peerbalʼs Hotel Awrupa, Ahmad Malaʼs Panahanda, Deedar Maseefiʼs Elshya and Rewas Ahmadʼs Zhin. This paper focused on the conditions of being exile, people's daily lives with those who are indigenous peoples and those who, just like them, are exiled .Further, it points out how they showed their identity as a way to defend themselves not to lose their identity among the foreign nations over there. They employed identity as a tool for their existence. For this purpose, those who have been exiled used their individual identity as well as their national identity.


Key words: Assimilation and Integration, Discrimination, Association, Self-Identity, National-Identity.


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How to Cite

كەیفی محەمەد عەزیز ی. ڕ. ح. &. (2019). ناسنامه‌ وه‌ك لێكه‌وته‌یه‌كی تاراوگه‌. Journal of University of Raparin, 6(2), 542–567. https://doi.org/10.26750/paper



Humanities & Social Sciences