The efficiencies of teaching process in the faculty member of Koya University according to some changes


  • Badrkhan Mustafa Ibrahim Department of Religion Education, Faculty Of Education, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Koya University, Having the ability, Ability to change, The concept of teaching, Assessment


University conceders the most important institution in the process of making human forces for any society. One of the any university is whether the faculty members updating their efficiencies in the process of teaching and tutorial application of them.

The aims of this research are to the capacity of teaching among university lecturers in general and according to specialization, gender and scientific title. For this purpose, deceptive method has been used among (80) university lecturer in Koya University for the academic year 2018-2019.

The researcher designed a questioner of 62 items of choosing, yes and no which have specific answers. The results showed that the efficiencies of the teachers and the value of (t) were more than the table-(t) value, which means that the teachers care more about their efficiencies. Concerning of the changing relation of demographical gender, the study showed the differences between the male and female values (264-33) more than the average value of the male (247-33), which means that the female teachers care more about their efficiencies than the male teachers. Concerning the Faculties of sciences and the Faculties of humanities, the experiment of (Anova) showed no differences between the both values.

Based on the results of the study, conducting more research among different and larger sample is recommended. In addition, the students and lecturers should give them an opportunity in the processes of teaching. Finally, the ministry of higher education and scientific research may take advantage from this kind of scientific research.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, B. M. (2019). The efficiencies of teaching process in the faculty member of Koya University according to some changes. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(1), 379–418. Retrieved from



Humanities & Social Sciences